Deborah Linehan as Valerie in The Weir - Photo: John Fogle
As Valerie in The Weir
"...I personally found Deborah Linehan’s Valerie to be magical because I had first (and last) seen her as one of the she-lags in Mr. Fogle’s golden production of OUR COUNTRY’S GOOD; here, she modestly commands from her stool, sleek and rounded, purring her lines. A good portrayal can make you wonder what will happen to that character, afterwards; through Ms. Linehan, Valerie will undoubtedly become the pub’s buxom earth-mother/goddess, sipping her wine and compassionately allowing her lonely admirers to orbit about her --- the glowing moon in Mr. McPherson’s Great Good Place, surrounded by howling winds and bogeys….” - The Theater Mirror, Boston
Deborah Linehan as Dabby Bryant in Our Country's Good Photo: John Fogle
As Dabby Bryant in Our Country's Good
"...And Mr. Fogle’s cast is glorious. First, their performances come from within and not from a director’s vision that leaves them stillborn amidst the spectacle (as some recent Shakespeare has proven); second, their performances are distinctly English --- not because they speak with various accents (and speak them well) but because they are so blessedly theatrical: the love of ripe, even grotesque, characterizations; the submersion into their roles at the risk of not coming off as pretty or handsome. ...To single out [cast members] would mean slighting the rest yet if faced with the lash myself I would throw extra laurels to Carrie Russell and Deborah Linehan as the more feral of the she-lags...” - The Theater Mirror, Boston
Deborah Linehan as Albert in The Wind in the Willows Photo: John Fogle
As Albert (the horse) in Wind in the Willows
"...Deborah Linehan is very funny as a long-suffering horse with a Russian femme fatale accent...” - The Theater Mirror, Boston
As Linda Greenlaw et al in Women and the Sea
"...The production’s five character actresses, spunky and stoic, shone like beacons buffeted by the elements but never faltering; June Lewin continues to have the loveliest of stage voices and Deborah Linehan, last seen as a horse with a Russian accent, made a strapping yet vulnerable earth mother (a future Miss Amelia for Carson McCullers?)..." - The Theater Mirror, Boston